Monday, March 31, 2014


John Logie Baird invented the first television in 1924. In 1925 he made better TV pictures.Baird´s TV used spinning discs. In May 1927, Baird sent pictures from London to Glasgow.Baird´s first TV pictures were black and white.

Baird was born on 14th August, 1888 in Helensburg, Scotland.He died on 14th June, 1946.He was 57 years old in Sussex, England.

When he was young he hated school.He was often ill, so he missed lessons.When John was 12, he made his own telephone.When he was adult he worked in a factory but he didn´t like it.He went into business on his own.He sold medicines.

He studied towards Science Degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Glasgow.

He invented the colour television.

This person´s accomplishments changed the world because when you are bored you can watch series, football matches or what ever you want.